Sai Padam Sathya Sai Baba Ashtothiram
Spiritual Sadhana

Sai Charanam Baba Charanam Saranam:-.

1. Aum Sri Bhagawan Sathya Sai Babaya Namaha
Let us bow down to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (the true Divine Mother and Father of all)

2. Aum Sri Sai Sathya Swarupaya Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of Truth

3. Aum Sri Sai Sathya Dharma Parayanaya Namaha
Who is solely devoted to (preaching) Truth and Righteousness

4. Aum Sri Sai Varadaya Namaha
Who is the Giver of Boons

5. Aum Sri Sai Satpurushaya Namaha
The One Who is all pervading

6. Aum Sri Sai Sathya Gunatmane Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of the virtue, Truth

7. Aum Sri Sai Sadhu Vardhanaya Namaha
Who promotes the quality of piety, righteousness

8. Aum Sri Sai Sadhu Jana Poshanaya Namaha
Who sustains and shelters virtuous persons

9. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Jnaya Namaha
Who is omniscient

10. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Jana Priyaya Namaha
Who is dear to all

11. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Shakti Murtaye Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of all powers

12. Aum Sri Sai Sarveshaya Namaha
Who is the Lord of all

13. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Sanga Parithyagine Namaha
Who is One without any attachment

14. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Antharyaminey Namaha
Who is the Indweller of all hearts

15. Aum Sri Sai Mahimatmane Namaha
Who is Glory Personified

16. Aum Sri Sai Maheshwara Swarupaya Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of Shiva

17. Aum Sri Sai Parthi Gramodbhavaya Namaha
Who is born in a village called (Putta)Parthi

18. Aum Sri Sai Parthi Kshetra Nivasine Namaha
Who is the Resident of the region of (Putta)Parthi

19. Aum Sri Sai Yashakaya Shirdi Vasine Namaha
Who was worshipped in the previous Incarnation as the Resident of Shirdi

20. Aum Sri Sai Jodi Aadi Palli Somappaya Namaha
Who assumed the form of 'Somappa', along with His consort (Shiva and Shakthi)

21. Aum Sri Sai Bhardwaja Rishi Gothraya Namaha
Who is descendant of Sage Bhaaradwaja

22. Aum Sri Sai Bhaktha Vatsalaya Namaha
Who is affectionate towards devotees like a parent to children

23. Aum Sri Sai Apantaratmane Namaha
Who is indweller (Atma) of all beings

24. Aum Sri Sai Avatara Murtaye Namaha
Who is embodiment of Incarnation

25. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Bhaya Nivarine Namaha
Who removes all fears

26. Aum Sri Sai Apastambha Sutraya Namaha
Who is born in the lineage of Sage Apastambha

27. Aum Sri Sai Abhaya Pradaya Namaha
Who bestows freedom from fear and anxiety

28. Aum Sri Sai Ratnakara Vamshod Bhavaya Namaha
Who is born in the dynasty of Ratnakar (gems among men)

29. Aum Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Abheda Shaktyavataraya Namaha
Whose Glory and Power is not different from that of Shirdi incarnation

30. Aum Sri Sai Shankaraya Namaha
Who is Lord Shiva

31. Aum Sri Sai Shirdi Sai Murtaye Namaha
Who is Incarnation of Shirdi Sai

32. Aum Sri Sai Dwarakamayi Vasine Namaha
Who is resident of Dwarakamayi (name of the mosque in which Shirdi Sai Baba lived)

33. Aum Sri Sai Chitravathi Tata Puttaparthi Viharine Namaha
Who sports (His Leelas) in Puttaparthi on the banks of the Chitravathi river

34. Aum Sri Sai Shakti Pradaya Namaha
Who bestows strength

35. Aum Sri Sai Sharanagatha Tranaya Namaha
Who is the Savior of those who surrender

36. Aum Sri Sai Anandaya Namaha
Who is Bliss personified

37. Aum Sri Sai Ananda Daya Namaha
Who grants Bliss

38. Aum Sri Sai Aartha Trana Parayanaya Namaha
Who is devoted to saving the afflicted (those in distress)

39. Aum Sri Sai Anatha Nathaya Namaha
Who is the Lord of the destitutes

40. Aum Sri Sai Asahaya Sahayaya Namaha
Who renders help to the helpless

41. Aum Sri Sai Loka Bhandhavaya Namaha
Who is kith and kin to one and all in the universe

42. Aum Sri Sai Loka Raksha Parayanaya Namaha
Who serves and protects one and all

43. Aum Sri Sai Loka Nathaya Namaha
Who is Lord of all worlds

44. Aum Sri Sai Deena Jana Poshanaya Namaha
Who nourishes and sustains the afflicted

45. Aum Sri Sai Murti Traya Swarupaya Namaha
Who is verily the embodiment of the Trinity: Brahama; Vishnu and Maheshwara

46. Aum Sri Sai Mukti Pradaya Namaha
Who grants liberation

47. Aum Sri Sai Kalusha Viduraya Namaha
Who is the remover of defects and faults

48. Aum Sri Sai Karuna Karaya Namaha
Who is compassionate

49. Aum Sri Sai Sarvaadharaya Namaha
Who is the Support of one and all

50. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Hrud Vasine Namaha
Who is indweller of everyone's heart

51. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Punya Phala Pradaya Namaha
Who is the Giver of the fruits of all meritorious deeds

52. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Papa Kshaya Karaya Namaha
Who is the destroyer of all sins

53. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Roga Nivarine Namaha
Who is the remover of all diseases

54. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Badha Haraya Namaha
Who removes all sufferings and impediments

55. Aum Sri Sai Anantha Nuta Kartrune Namah
Who is the creator and is praised endlessly

56. Aum Sri Sai Adi Purushaya Namaha
Who is the Primeval Purusha (the very first Lord)

57. Aum Sri Sai Adi Shakthaye Namaha
Who is the primeval energy

58. Aum Sri Sai Aparupa Shakthine Namaha
Who has delightful and wonderful powers

59. Aum Sri Sai Avyaktha Roopine Namaha
Who is the form of the Unmanifested (the Formless)

60. Aum Sri Sai Kama Krodha Dhwamsine Namaha
Who destroys desire and anger

61. Aum Sri Sai Kanakambara Dharine Namaha
Who wears golden (orange) colored robe

62. Aum Sri Sai Adbhuta Charyaya Namaha
Who performs astonishing, unprecedented deeds

63. Aum Sri Sai Apad Bhandhavaya Namaha
Who helps as a brother in times of calamities

64. Aum Sri Sai Prematmane Namaha
Who is Love Personified

65. Aum Sri Sai Prema Moortaye Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of Love

66. Aum Sri Sai Prema Pradaya Namaha
Who grants Love

67. Aum Sri Sai Priyaya Namaha
Who is Loved by all

68. Aum Sri Sai Bhakta Priyaya Namaha
Who is loved by Detotees

69. Aum Sri Sai Bhakta Mandaraya Namaha
Who is the highest peak (Divine Mountain) to devotees

70. Aum Sri Sai Bhakta Jana Hridaya Viharaya Namaha
Who resides is the heart of devotees

71. Aum Sri Sai Bhakta Jana Hrudayalayaya Namaha
Who enacts leelas (miracles of transformation) in the heart of devotees

72. Aum Sri Sai Bhakta Paradhinaya Namaha
Who is bound to devotees by their devotion

73. Aum Sri Sai Bhakti Jnana Pradipaya Namaha
Who ignites the light of devotion and spiritual knowledge

74. Aum Sri Sai Bhakti Jnana Pradaya Namaha
Who fosters devotion and and shows the path to supreme wisdom

75. Aum Sri Sai Sujnana Marga Darshakaya Namaha
Who shows the path to attain right knowledge

76. Aum Sri Sai Jnana Swarupaya Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of All Knowledge

77. Aum Sri Sai Gita Bodhakaya Namaha
Who is the giver and teacher of the Holy Bhagavad Gita

78. Aum Sri Sai Jnana Siddhi Daya Namaha
Who grants the attainment of wisdom

79. Aum Sri Sai Sundara Rupaya Namaha
Who has a charming form

80. Aum Sri Sai Punya Purushaya Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of Purity

81. Aum Sri Sai Phala Pradaya Namaha
Who grants the fruits of our actions

82. Aum Sri Sai Purushottamaya Namaha
Who is Supreme and Highest among all

83. Aum Sri Sai Purana Purushaya Namaha
Who is the Timeless, Ever Existent Perpetual Being

84. Aum Sri Sai Atitaya Namaha
Whose Glory transcends the Three Worlds

85. Aum Sri Sai Kaalaatitaya Namaha
Who is beyond the limits of time

86. Aum Sri Sai Siddhi Rupaya Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of all accomplishments

87. Aum Sri Sai Siddha Sankalpaya Namaha
Whose Will is immediately effective

88. Aum Sri Sai Aarogya Pradaya Namaha
Who grants good health

89. Aum Sri Sai Anna Vastra Daya Namaha
Who is the Sustainer of all Beings, by providing food, shelter and clothing

90. Aum Sri Sai Samsara Dukha Kshaya Karaya Namaha
Who is the destroyer of sorrows and sufferings of the objective world

91. Aum Sri Sai Sarvaa Bhista Pradaya Namaha
Who grants all desirable objects

92. Aum Sri Sai Kalyana Gunaya Namaha
Who has virtuous and auspicious attributes

93. Aum Sri Sai Karma Dhwamsine Namaha
Who destroys evil effect of bad actions

94. Aum Sri Sai Sadhu Manasa Shobithaya Namaha
Who shines in the mind of pious people as brilliance knowledge

95. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Mata Sammantaya Namaha
Who represents all faiths

96. Aum Sri Sai Sadhu Manasa Parishodhakaya Namaha
Who purifies the mind of spiritual aspirants

97. Aum Sri Sai Sadhak Aanugraha Vata Vriksha Prathisthapakaya Namaha
Who planted a banyan tree as a boon to spiritual aspirants

98. Aum Sri Sai Sakala Samshaya Haraya Namaha
Who destroys all doubts

99. Aum Sri Sai Sakala Tatwa Bodhakaya Namaha
Who teaches the essence of all spirtitual knowledge

100. Aum Sri Sai Yogishwaraya Namaha
Who is Lord of all yogis

101. Aum Sri Sai Yogindra Vanditaya Namaha
Who is revered by the Masters of Yogas

102. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Mangala Karaya Namaha
Who is the grantor of all Auspiciousness

103. Aum Sri Sai Sarva Siddhi Pradaya Namaha
Who grants all Accomplishments and Skills

104. Aum Sri Sai Aapanivarine Namaha
Who removes calamities

105. Aum Sri Sai Aarathi Haraya Namaha
Who removes bodily and mental distress

106. Aum Sri Sai Shanta Murtaye Namaha
Who is the Embodiment of Peace

107. Aum Sri Sai Sulabha Prasannaya Namaha
Who is easily pleased

108. Aum Sri Sai Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Babaya Namaha
Let us bow down to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (the True Divine Mother and Father of us all)" />